Banjos, Porsche and Space Shuttles

When I make a post I often glance it over once published, just to see if it looks "right". And sometimes my eyes flit across to the ad banners on the right of the page (click on these, good folk, for they make me money).

And I notice that, rather cleverly, they latch on to something I've posted (key words, I assume) and tailor the ads to match.

I ranted on about printer ink a few weeks ago and Hey Presto!, I have ads that take you to sites that sell them.

So I'm wondering if I make a post that mentions banjos, lots and lots of banjos, and those fine cars made by Porsche, you know, like the Porsche 911, whether I'll get ads for those too. It's just idle curiosity on my part.

Space Shuttle.

Sorry, forgot to mention that one. I think they are actually for sale as NASA is ditching them due to their age. So you might get an ad to by the Space Shuttle shortly.


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