The Unofficial Word

I called the Doc today as I'd heard nothing back regarding the second X-Ray I had last Friday. Typically, she had left for the day and is not back until Friday. However, a nice lady at the clinic confirmed they had the second X-Ray now. Then, for what it's worth, she told me, "unofficially" (i.e., don't sue my if you die of lung cancer) I had nothing to worry about.

Had she been a trained health care professional, I would take great comfort in that. But, by her own admission, she's not, so I'd probably have as much luck offering up a diagnosis on this.

I should stress that I haven't even had the luxury of even seeing the damn things in the first place, otherwise I mightn't be so anxious.

However, I suppose it's a step in the right direction (at least I know they have both X-ray's now) and I await the call on Friday that will either put me out of my misery or stick me further in it. Being a glass-half-full kinda guy, I'm expecting positive news.

But keep your fingers crossed, just in case.


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