Exit Strategy

Whilst I await word from the AHC, I thought I'd share with you my plans for when I (hopefully) get my permanent residency status, a plan I refer to as my Exit Strategy.

Once all the hard work of selling houses, closing bank accounts, moving pensions and so forth is done and Mrs Paulky and I have our bags packed, the plan is that we will travel to Australia via the US. There are several reasons for this:
  • It breaks up the mind numbing journey.
  • It enables us to catch up with friends and relatives.
  • We'll get to see a lot of the country.
  • We'll be so broke afterwards we'll never attempt a journey like it again.

If all goes well, our first port of call will be on the Sidewalker family, who live in New Jersey. We'd use their place as a base and visit New York, possibly going up to Niagara Falls too. Then it's down to Florida to visit a cousin in Miami. Having been to Florida before, I'm not too fussed about going to the theme parks, so it will likely be a few days in Miami, before crossing the country and going to Los Angeles, where a distant cousin of Mrs Paulky lives. From here we'd branch out east, taking in a tour in all probability that will go to places like Yosemite and Las Vegas, before coming back and visiting San Francisco.

There's a possibility that we'll then visit Hawaii, as the LA cousin has a time-share there and used to live there, so if we time it right we could also take this in. Otherwise it will be across the Pacific to Sydney, where Mrs Paulky's brother lives and we have friends and other family in the region too.

Then we finally fly across Australia and head for home, Perth.

Well, that's the current plan. Things may change in terms of details, but I reckon we're firmly fixed on the basics. I just need the AHC to give me the visa, sell the house, make a ton of money etc.


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