I Am Still Here!

Gentle and patient reader, apologies for not posting much recently, but work has been full-on and I just haven't had a moment to bring up you to speed on what's been going on.

I have booked my flight to Perth for April next year. It was one of my visa requirements that I travel to Australia before July 7th 2010, so doing this gets it out of the way so I don't have to leave it all to the last minute (and I don't really want to go in the middle of the Southern Winter. I got a reasonably good deal on the price and am flying with Qantas, going via Singapore. Oddly, I believe I will be travelling on the very jet featured in the Exit Strategy post from a while back, the new Airbus A380, the largest passenger plane ever built. It actually looks too big to fly! Hopefully it isn't.

In other news, Mrs Paulky and I have decided to put the house on the market after Christmas in the hope that the property market has picked up enough to get the price we want. I have a meeting next week with my financial adviser to start organising getting my pension and national insurance contributions moved.

That's all for now. Am off on holiday in a weeks time to the Lake District and am looking forward to unwinding after the last couple of months at work.


  1. I thought you'd gone to Oz already, either that or you'd expired. Glad to hear you are alive and well.

    -Luke Sidewalker

  2. Still alive and kicking Mr S!


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