What's In A Name?
There's a random ramble coming!
OK, so I spend about three hours a day travelling to and from work, and after a while you get to see the same people every day. Now because I'm English I don't speak to any of them, which I know is strange, but I refer you to the start of this sentence.
So every day, same train(s), same people. Over the years, to while away the time, I have come up with names for the regulars, which, in a moment of boredom, I choose to share with you.
We have Mac, so called because, in winter at least, he wears a...go on guess...no, try again...YES! A mac. Now Mac has a Harem; a little coterie of woman of a certain age who congregate around him and are always dressed to the nines. Mac isn't a bad looking bloke, about late Forties I reckon, and clearly his Harem think he's something worth preening over. I often wonder what his wife would think if she saw him with them.
Then there's Miss Plain, who, as the name suggests, is a dowdy, dumpy woman who always seems to leave it to the last moment to actually get to the station, so she's always rushing to get to the platform. Being a bit plump, she often only just makes it on the first carriage and then walks down the train, huffing and puffing. I sometimes think she might pass out.
Next up is Peter Mandelson, or at least his plumper look-a-like. He has that sinister fringe and beady eyes and for some reason always stares at me as he walks past. That one give me the creeps.
A rarer sighting these days is Mr Byes-e-bye, so called because the first time I saw him he was saying "Byes-e-bye" to someone and I thought to myself, No-one speaks like that! and it stuck. Then I realised that one of brothers says it too, so just goes to show you, doesn't it?
Mr Byes-e-bye used to hang out with Dave (at last, a real name!), who looks a bit like Sully from Monsters Inc., but without the fur. Dave must have changed jobs and/or had a bust up with Mr Byes-e-bye as I rarely see him these days. Both of them used to hang out with Frances, but she's completely disappeared.
Lest we forget there's also Nolly, who looks like a poorer Noel Edmonds, Miss Ipod (who has now become part of the Harem) and Cletus, who must have lost his job as haven't seen him for ages, who is by far the ugliest man I have ever seen in my entire life. The pic here is almost an exact match.

But I do sometimes wonder; all these people I see every day, what might they call me..?
OK, so I spend about three hours a day travelling to and from work, and after a while you get to see the same people every day. Now because I'm English I don't speak to any of them, which I know is strange, but I refer you to the start of this sentence.
We have Mac, so called because, in winter at least, he wears a...go on guess...no, try again...YES! A mac. Now Mac has a Harem; a little coterie of woman of a certain age who congregate around him and are always dressed to the nines. Mac isn't a bad looking bloke, about late Forties I reckon, and clearly his Harem think he's something worth preening over. I often wonder what his wife would think if she saw him with them.
Then there's Miss Plain, who, as the name suggests, is a dowdy, dumpy woman who always seems to leave it to the last moment to actually get to the station, so she's always rushing to get to the platform. Being a bit plump, she often only just makes it on the first carriage and then walks down the train, huffing and puffing. I sometimes think she might pass out.
Next up is Peter Mandelson, or at least his plumper look-a-like. He has that sinister fringe and beady eyes and for some reason always stares at me as he walks past. That one give me the creeps.
A rarer sighting these days is Mr Byes-e-bye, so called because the first time I saw him he was saying "Byes-e-bye" to someone and I thought to myself, No-one speaks like that! and it stuck. Then I realised that one of brothers says it too, so just goes to show you, doesn't it?
Mr Byes-e-bye used to hang out with Dave (at last, a real name!), who looks a bit like Sully from Monsters Inc., but without the fur. Dave must have changed jobs and/or had a bust up with Mr Byes-e-bye as I rarely see him these days. Both of them used to hang out with Frances, but she's completely disappeared.
Lest we forget there's also Nolly, who looks like a poorer Noel Edmonds, Miss Ipod (who has now become part of the Harem) and Cletus, who must have lost his job as haven't seen him for ages, who is by far the ugliest man I have ever seen in my entire life. The pic here is almost an exact match.

But I do sometimes wonder; all these people I see every day, what might they call me..?
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