The Return of the Irradiated Man

Regular readers will have seen a post last week mentioning that my original X-ray had shown some "Thickening" on the lung(s) and the Doctor (after leaving a message telling me not to worry; duh!) asked me to get another one done, from a different angle. Unfortunately the blog goblin seems to have eaten that one.

Anyway, on Friday I went back to be bombarded with lethal X-Rays again (do you think if I have one often enough they will actually give me something to worry about?), this time for a lateral view X-ray.

So once again I am in the Star ship Enterprise. I am told to stand side on the the machine this time, and adopt what I can only describe as the brace position you are shown on airplanes, only this time standing up. So I have my hands on my head and my arms forward and I look faintly ridiculous.

Two pulses from the X-ray and once again I am cooked. Once again the radiologist goes off to check the image and once again says it's OK. I think she means it came out OK rather than I have a clean bill of health, as that's what she said last time. Though after the debacle with the passport I do wonder whether it was actually my X-Ray the Doctor was commenting on, and some poor bastard isn't out there with my perfect lung(s) X-ray, unaware they are about to drop dead.

I should hasten to add there is nothing wrong with me as far as I know, and the radiologist did point out that I could just have very well been born with this "thickening" and if I've gotten this far, chances are I'll make it a bit furt

Did I have you going then?


Anyway, X-ray done, I once again went out into the sunny day and went off to meet Mrs Paulky and some friends who are over from Oz and had a lovely meal. I now have to wait for the Doc to give me the verdict, hopefully this week.


  1. You had me going there nice one!

    -Luke Sidewalker


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