Goodbye, Farewell and Amen!

Well, everything is now in place; contracts exchanged and a move date agreed (30th July) and flights booked. The Exit Strategy being previously planned (see earlier post!), we fly to New Jersey, then to Miami, then to Los Angeles before finally going on to Perth.

When I started this blog I had envisioned a long, tortuous process beset by delays and disappointments; what I got was a relatively smooth ride and little in the way of hassle. Now admittedly I'm not out of the country yet, and I may be tempting fate here, but all seems to be going well.

I think now is a good time to let sleeping blogs lie and I suspect this will be my final post for a long while.

So to the patient reader (I think putting readers is tempting fate) out there, thank you for reading my drivel over the last year. Have a good life and enjoy. If anyone ever tells you something can't be done, laugh in their face and do it.



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