
Showing posts from 2010

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen!

Well, everything is now in place; contracts exchanged and a move date agreed (30th July) and flights booked. The Exit Strategy being previously planned (see earlier post!), we fly to New Jersey, then to Miami, then to Los Angeles before finally going on to Perth. When I started this blog I had envisioned a long, tortuous process beset by delays and disappointments; what I got was a relatively smooth ride and little in the way of hassle. Now admittedly I'm not out of the country yet, and I may be tempting fate here, but all seems to be going well. I think now is a good time to let sleeping blogs lie and I suspect this will be my final post for a long while. So to the patient reader (I think putting readers is tempting fate) out there, thank you for reading my drivel over the last year. Have a good life and enjoy. If anyone ever tells you something can't be done, laugh in their face and do it. TTFN...


Well, I have been most lax in keeping you informed of progress! Since my last post, not much has happened on the house front; still waiting for contracts to be exchanged, but that should be this week sometime, hopefully! Did manage to make my visa validation trip, so am now an official Australian Permanent Resident. The Icelandic volcano did scupper my plans to fly in April, however, so I had to put my trip back to May, but that went well and I got everything done that I needed to, including opening bank accounts and registering with recruitment agents. We are now entering the final phase, and once the contracts on the house are exchanged I have a feeling things will hurtle past very fast!


Much to our utter amazement, we accepted an offer on our house on Thursday! It took a couple of days for it to set in, and we do keep expecting the other shoe to drop at any moment, but so far things look good. If this plays out as we hope, it means we could be leaving the UK in June, much quicker than anticipated! So now the hard work begins, of sorting everything out; what to ship, what to sell and what to chuck. All this and I'm off to Oz in 11 days time. What a whirlwind this month has been so far!

Things Are Moving

Two posts in one month! Things must be hotting up! Our house (finally) went on the market yesterday. Though we do not yet have any photos or a sale board outside, someone has already requested a viewing tomorrow, so hopefully this will be the start of the flood! I have also successfully set up the bank accounts in Oz and just have to verify my ID when I get there. So things are moving along in the right direction!

Any Port in a Storm

Well, gentle and very patient reader, I notice I have not made a post in two months, which is very lax of me! To be honest, not much has happened; the house still waits to go on the market, mainly due to the lethargy the dreadful winter brought on us. Though we are now in the process of getting our worthless Home Information Pack (HIP) done, so that we can then put the house on the market. Even our solicitor thinks the HIP is a waste of time, but the Government, in its infinite wisdom, has spent much money on training people to do the job and are very unlikely to change it now, so we have to go through the rigmarole in order to sell the house. In less than four weeks I will be in Perth on my validation trip, and I can't wait! This in spite of the terrible storm they had yesterday, which has caused millions of dollars of damage. You can read more about it here . According to my mother-in-law, this is the worst storm she's ever seen, and she's nearly 84! I shall be packing a...

Down Under Live!

I am attending the Down Under Live exhibition on Saturday 30th January; it's an expo with seminars on migration and will have recruitment, studying and various other services on hand for those wishing to get out of the UK. I'm hoping I'll pick up some useful job contacts. If anyone else is going I'll see you there!

Happy New Year, But Not For All...

It's been awhile, faithful and patient reader, but I'm back on the blog! I hope you had a great Christmas and I wish you a very Happy New Year! This is the year it all happens; I have my visa trip in April and the house will be going on the market in the next month or so. From then on it's a waiting game for a buyer and then we're off! And whilst I have you attention for a moment, can you spare any money for the poor people of Haiti? I'm sure you've seen the devastation caused by the recent earthquake, and the millions of people this has affected. The Disasters Emergency Committee has set up an appeal, and you can donate by clicking HERE . Thanks.