Just Do It!

I've noticed a lot recently that when people talk to me about my move to Australia, they seem to follow it up with a moan about some aspect of their own life, be it job, house or relationship.

It occurred to me yesterday that complaining about it solves nothing but to make you miserable.

So today my advice to those people is to stop moaning and start doing!

If you don't like something, change it!
  • Don't like your job - get another one! Not easy in a recession, but they are out there. Register with a recruitment agency and bug them until you get an interview.
  • Don't like your house - sell it! The property market is starting to recover so it's still a good time to buy and sell.
  • Don't like your relationship - get a new one! I never understand people who have affairs or complain about their partner. How anyone can exist in a relationship where there is constant arguments and bickering is beyond me.

So come on people; take control of your life and do what you want to do. Don't be a slave to your old life. If something isn't working, change it!


  1. All action all the time! Never standing still eh? I used to walk by pennies on the sidewalk until one day I decided to start picking them up.

    -Luke Sidewalker


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